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Special Collections Committee

Since the disbanding of the Appalachian Consortium’s Regional Collections Committee in 2002, a coordinated organization of Appalachian archives and special collections came to a close. Over the last few years, a group of Appalachian archivists, special collections librarians, and research librarians proposed the creation of an Appalachian Special Collections Committee.  Thanks to Gene Hyde, director of special collections at UNC Asheville, who coordinated the revival of the committee, we have been actively engaged in promoting special collections through multiple outlets. 


The Special Collections Committee publishes a newsletter, the Appalachian Curator, which works to update the Consortium’s 1985 survey of Appalachian Collections, promotes and raises awareness of Appalachian resources throughout ASA, and generally establishes a stronger presence for repositories, collections, archivists and librarians, and their work in Appalachian Studies and ASA. In addition, the committee is currently engaged in assistance to the flood ravaged repositories in Kentucky to preserve damaged materials.


The Appalachian Studies Association Special Collections Committee documents the broad knowledge of this region; including the archives and oral histories that recall the voices, stories, and communities recounting the lives of the people who live here.

Membership Information

The Special Collections Committee is composed of a chairperson and other members, currently at 10. Interested individuals may request membership by contacting the chair. Service appointments are for a three-year rotating term. The editor of the Appalachian Curator who shall be an ex-officio member of this committee.



Members of the Appalachian Curator editorial board will be appointed by the current editor of the Appalachian Curator who is appointed by the ASA president and will be approved by the remaining members of the editorial board.



Publication of the Appalachian Curator digital newsletter. The committee will also work in collaboration with the Communications Committee to maintain information regarding archives and resources on the ASA website. The work of the committee also includes updating and continuing the work of the Special Collections committees that existed previously under the Appalachian Consortium. Committee work includes identifying and providing information about Appalachian repositories, facilitating the exchange of information between repositories, assessing the needs of larger and smaller repositories, and providing information and services to repositories. Tasks also include offering sessions at ASA meetings and encouraging and recognizing new scholarly work in the area that uses primary source materials.

Find additional information about the Special Collections Committee here!

Current Members of the Special Collections Committee: 

Stewart Plein

Curator, Rare Books & Printed Resources   West Virginia University


Gene Hyde

Head of Special Collections          

University Archivist & Records Officer

UNC Asheville


Jeremy Smith   

Director, Archives of Appalachia          

East Tennessee State University


Liz Harper         

Special and Digital Collections Librarian       Western Carolina University


Jinny Turman   

Associate Professor of History                      UVA Wise


Tim Binkley

Head of Special Collections and Archives     Berea College


Julie Fox-Horton  

Assistant Professor          

MPS Program Coordinator

Archival Studies Certificate Coordinator

East Tennessee State University


Marc Brodsky

Special Collections and University Archives Virginia Tech 


Scott Sikes

Assistant Professor, Civic Innovation           Emory & Henry College


Travis Roundtree    

Assistant Professor, English          

Western Carolina University


Jed DeBruin      

Fourth-year PhD candidate             

Graduate instructor, Department of Geography

University of Kentucky

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