Appalachian Resources
Photographer: Sabrina L. Greene
K-12 Educational Resources
Here you can find a listing that includes entries for teaching in and about the Appalachian region for use by teachers in the K-12 classroom along with resources for teachers pursuing advanced degrees. Inclusion on the list is not an assurance of quality. The original list of educational resources was developed by Philip Obermiller and posted to the ASA website in 2001. In 2011, when the current version of the website was developed, the list was updated. Links were updated, entries were reorganized into new categories, and a few entries were added to the list. If you have any additions or revisions for the list or would like to share your experiences using some of these resources, please contact us.
Academic Programs
Here you can find a listing that was compiled with help from Stephanie Roark Keener of the John B. Stephenson Center for Appalachian and Comparative Highland Studies at Lees-McRae College and David Veve of the Appalachian Studies Center at North Georgia College and State University.
Appalachian Libraries and Archives
Here you can find a listing of academic research centers, archives and manuscript collections, and libraries and museums. While we strive to keep our list updated, please contact us if you find an error or would like to add your organization.
Appalachian Resources
Here you can find a listing of journals, podcasts, and other general Appalachian resources.
Appalachian Writers' Resources
Here you can find a listing of resources for Appalachian writers.
Appalachian Artists' Resources
Here you can find a listing of resources for Appalachian artists.
Course Syllabi
Appalachian Studies Association's online syllabus archive is a resource for instructors designing Appalachian studies courses as well as a partial history of the teaching of Appalachian studies.
Syllabi are listed according to the department in which they are taught. Please include your name, course, department, and school name when contacting us.
*The Appalachian Studies Association (ASA) provides educational resources on its website free of charge through contributions from individuals and organizations outside of ASA. ASA does not own the information or resources that are available and linked on this website and is not responsible for the content of these resources including, but not limited to, content that is incorrect, misleading, or inappropriate. ASA has received permission from the owners of these resources to share them via its website. The owners of these resources retain all individual Intellectual property rights.